Our Mission

Bringing the gift of mindfulness to pediatric patients and their families, with stress relieving therapies and skills education to promote resiliency and rejuvenation, allowing the best possible outcome.
The vision of this group is to provide pediatric patients, their families, and caregivers the highest level of stress relief and stress management available. By providing direct care, education and skills training, we intend to reduce or eliminate the fear and stress associated with emergent and critical medical treatment. This will allow for a calmer, more receptive healing environment, with the ultimate goal of facilitating the best possible outcome.
The function of this group is to assess the unique needs of a specific family, form a care plan that will fit those needs and provide the best possible therapeutic services during their diagnosis, treatment and recovery. This group will provide these services at no cost to the patient and family by raising funds from individual and corporate donors.
Mindful Presents is a Washington State, Non-profit, 501(3)C charitable organization.